Minggu, 11 Oktober 2009
Khutbah Rasulullah SAW menjelang Ramadhan
Sungguh telah datang pada kalian bulan Allah dengan membawa berkah, rahmat
dan maghfirah. Bulan yang paling mulia di sisi Allah. Hari-harinya adalah
hari-hari yang paling utama. Malam-malamnya adalah malam-malam yang paling
utama. Jam demi jamnya adalah jam-jam paling utama. Inilah bulan ketika
kamu diundang menjadi tetamu Allah dan dimuliakan oleh-Nya.
Di bulan ini nafas-nafasmu menjadi tasbih, tidurmu ibadah, amal-amalmu
diterima dan doa-doamu diijabah. Bermohonlah kepada Allah Rabb-mu dengan
niat yang tulus dan hati yang suci agar Allah membimbingmu untuk melakukan
shiyam dan membaca Kitab-Nya. Celakalah orang yang tidak mendapat ampunan
Allah di bulan yang agung ini. Kenanglah dengan rasa lapar dan hausmu,
kelaparan dan kehausan di hari kiamat. Bersedekahlah kepada kaum fuqara dan
masakin. Muliakanlah orang-orang tuamu, sayangilah yang muda, sambungkanlah
tali persaudaraanmu, jaga lidahmu, tahan pandanganmu
dari apa yang tidak halal kamu memandangnya dan pendengaranmu dari apa yang
tidak halal kamu
mendengarnya. Kasihilah anak yatim niscaya dikasihi manusia anak-anak
yatimmu. Bertaubatlah kepada Allah dari dosa-dosamu. Angkatlah
tangan-tanganmu untuk berdoa pada waktu-waktu shalatmu karena itulah
saat-saat yang paling utama ketika Allah 'Azza wa Jallaa memandang
hamba-hamba-Nya dengan penuh kasih.
Dia menjawab mereka ketika mereka menyeru-Nya, menyambut mereka ketika
mereka memanggil-Nya dan mengabulkan mereka ketika mereka berdoa kepada-Nya.
Wahai manusia!
Sesungguhnya diri-dirimu tergadai karena amal-amalmu, maka bebaskanlah
dengan istighfar. Punggung-punggungmu berat karena beban (dosa)mu maka
ringankanlah dengan memperpanjang sujudmu.
Allah Ta'ala bersumpah dengan segala kebesaran-Nya bahwa Dia tidak akan
mengazab orang-orang yang shalat dan sujud, dan tidak akan mengancam mereka
dengan neraka pada hari manusia berdiri di hadapan Rabb al 'alamin.
Wahai manusia!
Barangsiapa diantaramu memberi buka kepada orang-orang mu'minin yang
berpuasa di bulan ini maka di sisi Allah nilainya sama dengan membebaskan
seorang budak dan ia diberi ampunan atas dosa-dosanya yang lalu.
(Sahabat-sahabat bertanya, "Ya, Rasulullah! Tidaklah kami semua mampu
berbuat demikian". Rasulullah meneruskan:)
Jagalah dirimu dari api neraka walaupun hanya dengan sebiji kurma. Jagalah
dirimu dari api neraka walaupun hanya dengan seteguk air.
Wahai manusia!
Siapa yang membaguskan akhlaqnya di bulan ini ia akan berhasil melewati
shirath pada hari ketika kaki-kaki tergelincir. Siapa yang meringankan
pekerjaan orang-orang yang dimiliki tangan kanannya (pegawai atau pembantu)
di bulan ini, Allah akan meringankan pemeriksaan-Nya di hari Kiamat.
Barangsiapa menahan kejelekannya di bulan ini, Allah akan menahan murka-Nya
pada hari ia berjumpa dengan-Nya. Barangsiapa memuliakan anak yatim di
bulan ini, Allah akan memuliakannya pada hari ia berjumpa dengan-Nya.
Barangsiapa menyambungkan tali persaudaraan (silaturrahim) di bulan ini,
Allah akan menghubungkan dia dengan rahmat-Nya pada hari ia berjumpa
dengan-Nya. Barangsiapa melakukan shalat sunat di bulan ini, Allah akan
menuliskan baginya kebebasan dari api neraka. Barangsiapa melakukan shalat
fardlu baginya ganjaran seperti melakukan 70 shalat fardlu di bulan yang
lain. Barangsiapa memperbanyak shalawat kepadaku di bulan ini, Allah akan
memberatkan timbangannya pada hari ketika timbangan meringan. Barangsiapa
di bulan ini membaca satu ayat al Quran, ganjarannya sama seperti
mengkhatam al Quran pada bulan-bulan yang lain.
Wahai manusia!
Sesungguhnya pintu-pintu syurga dibukakan bagimu maka mintalah kepada
Tuhanmu agar tidak pernah
menutupkannya bagimu. Pintu-pintu neraka tertutup maka mohonlah kepada
Rabbmu untuk tidak akan pernah dibukakan bagimu. Setan-setan terbelenggu
maka mintalah agar ia tak lagi pernah menguasaimu.
Amirul Mukminin karamallahu wajha berkata, "Aku berdiri dan berkata, ya
Rasulullah! Apa amal yang
paling utama di bulan ini?" Jawab Nabi' "Ya Abal Hasan! Amal yang paling
utama di bulan ini adalah menjaga diri dari apa yang diharamkan Allah.
Alhamdulillaahi rabbil 'aalamiin.
Kamis, 21 Mei 2009
Work and Energy
Work and energy
Arranged By:
2008 / 2009
As we have all known, we utilized
When a force acts upon an object to cause a displacement of the object, it is said that work was done upon the object. There are three key ingredients to work - force, displacement, and cause. In order for a force to qualify as having done work on an object, there must be a displacement and the force must cause the displacement.
A. Work
- Definition of Work
In our daily live, work is always meant as the all of the activities done to get the certain purpose. It is different with it definition based on the physics science which is stated that “Work is the amount of the force multiplying with the displacement”. It also means that the work depends on the work and the displacement. When the force works in a thing until it does the displacement, it means that there exists working.
There are several good examples of work which can be observed in everyday life-a horse pulling a plow through the field, a father pushing a grocery cart down the aisle of a grocery store, a freshman lifting a backpack full of books upon her shoulder, a weightlifter lifting a barbell above his head, an Olympian launching the shot-put, etc. In each case described here there is a force exerted upon an object to cause that object to be displaced.
As the mathematics formulation of this mulberry defined that work is the product of force and the movement:
W = Fs cos
where W = Work (J), F = Force (N), and s = movement (m), and
Force and the movement are both vector mulberry. As the dot multiplication between two vector’s mulberries will produce scalar mulberry. That is why this mulberry is known as scalar.
- Kinds of the Work
There are many kinds of the work which are necessary studying about, such as:
a. The Positive Value Working
The work may have a positive value when the direction of the movement is also in the same direction to the force done. For example; when there a force F works in a thing so it does displacement. When all the forces has a similar direction to the displacement.
The work is positive
b. The Negative Value Working
On occasion, a force acts upon a moving object to hinder a displacement. Examples might include a car skidding to a stop on a roadway surface or a baseball runner sliding to a stop on the infield dirt. In such instances, the force acts in the direction opposite the objects motion in order to slow it down. The force doesn't cause the displacement but rather hinders it. These situations involve what is commonly called negative work. The negative of negative work refers to the numerical value which results when values of F, s and theta are substituted into the work equation. Since the force vector is directly opposite the displacement vector, theta is 180 degrees. The cosine (180 degrees) is -1 and so negative value results for the amount of work done upon the object. Negative work will become important (and more meaningful) in discussion about the relationship between work and energy.
The work done by fs is negative working
c. The Noël Value Working
The work is zero
- Graph of the Work
When we make the graph which is related between the force and the movement of the thing which is caused by the force itself, then the work is the area which is formed between the line and the Cartesian axis.
Relation between the Force (F) and the movement (s)
B. Energy
1. Definition of Energy
In our daily live, we have all known that the energy could be raised in many forms, such as; wind energy, light energy, chemical energy, nuclear energy, and so many other forms. Based on the explanation about many kinds of energy, we may understand that the energy is able to be exchanged into other forms. So, we may draw a simple conclusion that the energy is the ability to do work.
2. Kinds of Energy
a. Kinetics Energy
Kinetics energy is the energy which has by a thing because of its motion. For example: when the man run, the car run, and so many others which do the motion will has each of kinetics energy. It means that this kind of energy depends on the mass (m) and the velocity (v) of the thing which does the motion.
When there exists a beam with the mass m is silent in the initial condition. Then the work done is defined as:
While the distance (s) which is reached by the beam is:
We substitute the equation (1) to equation (2)
By using the derivation of Irregular Straight Movement equation and the second Law of Newton, we got that:
From that we know that
b. Potential Energy
The potential energy that is going to discuss is gravitation potential energy where the gravitation potential energy is the energy which has by a thing because of its position (high). It means that everything in the certain position has each gravitation potential energy. The amount of the potential energy of the thing depends on the mass and gravitation which influences the thing, and also the highness.
In order to lift a thing with the weight known as mg to the place in the high h to the floor, it is needed a minimum force as F=mg. So, we get the potential energy can be defined as
c. Mechanical Energy
Mechanical energy in this case is the amount of energy which also influenced by the gravitation. We mean here mechanical energy is the addition of potential energy and the kinetics energy. Based on the law of the eternity of mechanical energy, we get that:
Em1 = Em2
Ep1 + Ek1 = Ep2 + Ek2
C. The Relation Between Work and Energy
Based on the explanation about the two kind mulberries, that are work and energy, we may get a simple relation based on it definition. We have all known that energy is the ability or capability to do work. There may be we may draw the conclusion such as the change of energy will cause the work.
In related with the potential energy and so with the kinetics energy it may be drawn as:
□ The relation between potential energy and the work
□ The relation between kinetics energy and the work